Live Your Happy, Healthy, And Harmonious Life

About Vladimir Chen

Since he has always felt passionate about teaching, after almost twenty years of working in the IT industry, Vladimir decided to devote his life to inspiring personal development and transformation in other people’s lives and in his own. He discovered a new calling of helping others get more out of themselves than they can do on their own. While working as a young manager of the UX and Creative Development team at an IT company in Copenhagen, Denmark, he truly learned how to be a better manager and to empower, listen, and lead by example.

Now, he helps managers become more effective leaders so they create greater impact and well-being for themselves, their teams and the companies they work for. He also works with entrepreneurs who want to double their productivity and sharpen their focus so they create more impact, grow income and enjoy an improved well-being.

Vladimir enjoys facilitating people’s insights and personal growth via coaching, speaking, and workshops. When he is not writing chapter thoughts on Post-it notes or working with his clients, he likes to read a good book, swim indoors or outdoors, and spend time with his family. He is a young parent and sees his kids as his greatest teachers in life.

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